What it consists of:
-Acupuncture twice a week for 4 weeks
-Four week supply of natural supplements from Pure Encapsulations
-Outline of a recommended dietary protocol for 4 weeks
Program Goals:
-Stimulate and strengthen the GI tract, lessening toxin accumulation
-support the liver’s detoxification mechanisms, neutralizing toxins
-Encourage optimal acid-alkaline balance, enhancing toxin excretion
How it works:
The acupuncture treatments, diet recommendations, and supplementation are designed to achieve the following:
-Promote optimal circulation
-Increase energy level
-Minimize the presence of allergens
-Optimize acid-alkaline balance
-Balance gut microflora
-Promote GI integrity
-Support GI motility and regularity
-Enhance liver detoxification
-Encourage bile flow
-Chelate heavy metals
The recommended diet consists of organic natural whole foods, an alkaline diet, a hypo-allergenic diet, cruciferous vegetables, and adequate fluid intake.
Point Del Mar Acupuncture | 12865 Pointe Del Mar Way, Suite 120 | Del Mar, CA 92014 | 858-350-5825